Data Destruction - Call 210-488-4995 for more information

Disposing of an old computer hard drive? Make sure all the data has been destroyed. Data destruction is the only secure way to have data removal from a hard drive.

All hard drives are thoroughly wiped clean. Simply deleting files or reformatting the drive is not good enough. With data recovery programs the hard drive and any data can still be recovered and accessed.

The data has to be covered with zeroes and random patterns which make it unreadable by data restoration software.We have secure data destruction packages to meet any level of requirements.

We offer these data destrucion options:

One pass zeros: 1 pass, quick, low security
One pass random: 1 pass, quick, low security
US DoD 5220.22-M: 3 passes, slow, high security
German VSITR: 7 passes, slow, high security
Russian GOST p50739-95: 5 passes, slow, high security
Gutmann: 35 passes, very slow, highest security

Do not let any personal data get in to the wrong hands, Use our data destruction service.

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